
A Sweet Taste of Bhakti

Prabhupada Premgopal Goswami of the Nityananda vamsha was born in 1972 in Nabadwip, a great Vaisnava in a family of great Vaisnavas, and the 14th generation direct descendent of Lord Nityananda. A highly talented and lovely person, he is supremely skilled in the Vedic and Vaishnava scriptures. He is a beautifully compelling speaker, and his realizations empower him to give those in his presence a real taste of the bliss of Bhakti. He spends his life traveling and generously sharing this with his many fortunate devotees. He sings and plays like an angel. All who come into his presence are divinely blessed.

This first book in English is lovingly compiled by devotees who have had the privilege and joy of hearing him speak, and who wish to share their good fortune with others. Joy Nitai!

All in One Book Bundle

This Bundle consists of:

Nityānanda Vaṁśa Vistāra: Nityānanda and His Descendants 

Sri Radha Dasyam: Loving Service to Sri Radha

The Essence of Sri Prema Bhakti-Candrika: By Bhagavat Ratna Acharya Prabhupad Srila Premgopal Goswami

A Sweet Taste of Bhakti

Sri Sri Ananga Manjari Samputika

Śrī Śrī Śikṣāṣṭakam

Drops of Nectar from Srila Gurudev Volume 1

Sri Sri Prangopal Charitamrita Kanaa: Biography of Prabhupad Srila Prangopal Goswami

Nitāi Pada Kamala: The Spiritual Truths of Sri Nityānanda Prabhu


An Offering to my Treasured Eternal Gurudev 108 Shri Prankrsna Das Babaji

The mahajans (great saints) do not give instructions to others but pray by their own example. Shri Gurudev is a very dear servant of Kundeshwari Radhika. His exemplary devotional qualities ornament his noble spirit. In the treasure of his heart, the diamond of Krsna Nam radiates supremely. Shri Harinam, flowing constantly from his lotus lips, increases infinitely his divine zeal and inebriates all the listeners with the sacred rapture of prem…

Drops of Nectar from Srila Gurudev Volume 1

This book is a compilation of various conversations, answers to questions, and instructing guidance from Sri Sri Pran Krishna Dasa Babaji. Babaji Maharaja speaks Bengali and so these are translations of his words into English.

Compiled by students of Sri Sri Pran Krishna Das Babaji Maharaja.

Manjari Bhav Upāsak Book Bundle

This Bundle consists of:

Sri Radha Dasyam: Loving Service to Sri Radha

Sri Sri Ananga Manjari Samputika

Nitai and Ananga Special Book Bundle

This Bundle consists of:

Nityānanda Vaṁśa Vistāra: Nityānanda and His Descendants

Sri Sri Ananga Manjari Samputika

Nitāi Pada Kamala: The Spiritual Truths of Sri Nityānanda Prabhu

Sri Nityananda Prabhu is everything for us, our all in all. Why is that so? I will briefly elucidate this conclusion (siddhanta) here. Nityananda Tattva is very confidential, very deep and very complex. Nityananda is very mysterious, He is an avadhut, beyond all the rules and regulations and injunctions of shastra, yet he gets married and becomes a progenitor. He appears to be a contradictory, inconsistent personality. It is very difficult to fathom His nature and to reconcile His outlandish, seemingly irrational behaviour. Thus He is known as Nitai pagal, mad Nitai. He is transcendentally mad and anyone who tries to figure Him out intellectually will fail to do so. He is the embodiment of acintya bhedabheda tattva, one and different simultaneously, which is beyond human logic. Therefore Nityananda tattva can only be realised by the heart, by accepting the truth and the mood hidden in the heart of a pure, genuine Guru who can instil it in the heart of a sensitive, faithful disciple.

Nityānanda Vaṁśa Vistāra: Nityānanda and His Descendants

Nityananda Vamsa Vistar is about the expansion of Nityananda’s family lineage and about the propagation of Mahaprabhu’s Sanskirtan mission in the world. It is partially about Sri Nityananda and His consorts, Sri Vasudha Devi and Sri Jahnava Ma, but mainly about Sri Birancandra Prabhu (aka Virabhadra). Below is Krishna das Kaviraja’s description of Sri Biracandra Prabhu in Sri Caitanya Caritamrita, Adi lila, 11th Capter, ‘The Expansions of Lord Nityananda’ with the commentary of Prangopal Goswami, the great Vaisnava Acarya (as well as the great grandfather and paramesthi Guru of premgopal Goswami under whose guidance this edition was compiled.

Sri Radha Dasyam: Loving Service to Sri Radha

It is our great pleasure and privilege to present this unprecedented harikatha about Radha-dasyam by Prabhupada Srila Premgopal Goswami. We hope that by making such nectar available to a wider readership among devotees we may invoke the blessings of Sri Guru. We apologize for any mistakes and shortcomings in this presentation. Our humble prayer is that it may invoke transcendental greed in the hearts of our readers to delve into the nectar ocean of Radha-dasyam and cultivate the precious mood of Srimati Radhika’s maidservants.

Sri Sri Ananga Manjari Samputika

Ananga Manjari Samputika is a very important scripture for those who are practicing sadhan bhajan of Radha Krsna’s confidential pastimes. I am not speaking this katha but I am only relating what is mentioned in this scripture. We have to know who is Ananga Manjari, and why she is so important for our bhajan. Without her blessings we cannot enter into the confidential pastimes of Radha and Krsna. Her blessings here actually mean the mercy of Dayal Nitai, without this there is no chance for us. This scripture is written by Ramachandra Goswami the intimate disciple and adopted son of Jahnava mata. He was the only one who was qualified to write this scripture as he was fully empowered by Jahnava Mata’s mercy to reveal the confidential truths of Ananga Manjari.

Sri Sri Prangopal Charitamrita Kanaa: Biography of Prabhupad Srila Prangopal Goswami

Prangopal Goswami is the 11th direct descendant of Nityananda Prabhu. He is the great grandfather of Premgopal Goswami. He was a prominent leader of the Vaisnava community at the turn of the 20th century. His contributions to the Vaisnava tradition includes publishing many books, reviving the lila kirtan tradition, organising the first cleansing of Radha Kund in modern times, and much more. His legacy continues today through the books and the preaching efforts of Premgopal Goswami.

Śrī Śrī Śikṣāṣṭakam

The Siksastakam was written by Sriman Mahaprabhu in the later of His life. These eight verses contain the essence of Krishna consciousness and summarize why Mahaprabhu descended to this world. It is said that the external reason for the Lord’s appearance was to spread the congregational chanting of Krishna’s. At the same time He internally relished the highest level of prema for Sri Krishna that is only found in Srimati Radharani. Sriman Mahaprabhu is Krishna Himself, covered withe the golden complexion of Sri Radhe. It was in this mood of Sri Radhe’s ecstatic love that Sriman Mahaprabhu wrote the Siksashtakam.
In this book, Prabhupad Srila Premgopal Goswami elucidates on the meaning of each sloka, giving relavant examples and practices to strengthen the reader’s bhakti. We hope that the reader is enlivened, invigorated and inspired by Prabhupad’s commentary to these divine slokas.